Friday, August 21, 2009


Yes, I know it's been a long time. Forgive me. I just feel like this blog is for my venting, and my thoughts can get pretty negative, and who wants to read a bunch of negative crap? Ok, well, here goes. I am confused because Nathan has the weekend off (like always) plus he took Mon and Tues off and I do not like it!! I feel like we barely make it through the weekends as it is without killing each other, that I do not know how I am going to survive 4 whole days!! I normally can not wait until Monday comes, and he goes back to work. I know I am an awful person for feeling like this, and I do not want to feel this way, but that is something I can't really change (how do you change your feelings???). I am trying! Saturdays we (or I) try to keep really busy and there is usually an opportunity to serve someone, somewhere , so I usually jump on that! (good example for the kids, you know). Sundays, I am grateful for three hours of church, and then every other Sunday Nathan has home teaching and is normally gone several hours. On the Sundays he is home, we usually take turns taking naps, and/or have someone over for dinner, so I it works out ok. I am confused because I try to avoid a lot of alone time with my husband and I am not sure why. I guess I feel that it is easier so that we do not get into an argument. I do not know how I am going to make it through four days instead of two!!! HELP!! And now you all know what a horrible person I am! (I have known for a while, now all of you can too!!)


  1. So Lisa with the hard time you guys are going through. I don't think avoiding the alone time or the arguments with Nathan is the answer not that I think it would be fun to go through but if you don't get through you won't be. So I'll pray for you all like I have been you guys keep working together on things like you did over the problem with your parents. I hope you see posevtives this weekend from where you were a few months ago.

  2. Lisa, I totally agree with Quel. I know it won't be easy, but I don't think avoiding each other will get you anywhere. Remember when you guys were dating? What did you guys do together? Try to do some of THAT! Or do stuff all together with the kids (kids can help cut the tension) You need to build on more GOOD times together and that can't EVER happen if you aren't actually TOGETHER.

  3. Leave your kids with yur parents and have a weekend get away. Ban things that will bring up arguements and just try to enjoy each other like old times. I'm sorry things aren't the best right now but keep the Lord close and we'll keep u in our prayers
