Friday, May 29, 2009


I have decided that I am grateful for a couple of things. First of all, I am very grateful for children who feel like they can speak their mind. I love it and pride myself on treating these little people with respect. Case in point; at breakfast one morning. Connor: "Mommy, are you a bit cranky? I don't mean to be mean, or anything, but it just seems that you are a little bit crabby. Are you?" Me: "Hmm, I think you're right. Sorry about that, I will try to watch it." I love that he is comfortable enough to put me in my place. Sounds like I needed it! Truth be told, I am always cranky while waking up...not a morning person. Also, I am extremely grateful for Megan and Tom. They are my friends that just left last week so Tom could start his podiatry rotations. I didn't really get to know them until this past winter, but they have made a profound impact on my life.I am grateful that Megan was listening to the promptings she felt to call me and ask me if I needed anything. Of course, my first response, or thought was , is she crazy, she is way too super busy to want to hear my problems. (and I also thought she was to cool, way out of my league :) ) But then she told me how she had been feeling for a few days, like she needed to call me, and couldn't ignore it. So, I hesitated, but gradually opened up to her. Quite honestly, I did need her at that time, I just didn't know it. But, Heavenly Father knew it, so He told her, and she listened. Tom and Megan helped me through a very low, sad, pathetic time in my life, and I hate to think where I would be without them. I will forever be grateful for them, for their love and support, for opening themselves up to me, and for not ignoring that still small voice. About a month before they left, I didn't know if I would be ok without them, but as time got closer, I knew everything would be alright. Megan, thank you for everything.


  1. You're going to make me cry. I miss you, but today is especially hard, I miss Iowa and everyone, the green, the humidity, everything. Tom leaves tomorrow and it's painful. Wish we lived close by, you'd get it.

  2. I can vouch for the fact that yes, you are crabby in the morning. (sometimes) ;)
