Thursday, May 14, 2009


So, I think I have decided what I want my blog to be. First of all, I only want those whom I have invited to read this. Please do not tell friends of ours, "oh, hey, check out Lisa's blog!" 'Cause it's personal and private! Only if I have asked you to check it out are you welcome to do so. Thanks, my dear friends! Well, here goes. I am just going to do this like a band-aid and rip it off. I weigh 200 lbs!! That's right, I said 200! You may be saying to yourself, so, who cares? That is not that big of a deal. To those of you who are my skinny friends, and you know who you are, I love you, but when you did not even get close to that weight being pregnant even, then I rest my case.
I am posting this because I am disgusted and disappointed in myself. After kids, (cause, let's face it, we ain't ever going to be the same as we were before!) my lowest size was 14 (I don't remember the weight), and the largest I got was 220 lbs and a size 20. I am currently a size 18. I swore I would never get to a 20 again. I know that those of you that see me every day are thinking, "she does not look that big to me". I get that a lot. Trust me, I am. I just know how to dress to hide it. When you've been bigger most of your life, you learn how to dress NOT to accentuate it. I am really good at exercising. On the days I do not go to the YMCA, I walk two miles. Yes, that includes Sundays, because desperate times call for desperate measures. Also, the walks happen to relax me, which is a good thing. I really do like to exercise, and wish I had more time for it. It's the eating that is a BIG problem. I LOVE anything sweet and I do not take the time to prepare for myself healthy meals. The rest of the family, I make sure, eats well, just not me. I feel like I am constantly failing at something that I am constantly trying to overcome. So, my friends, I am not sure why I posted this, but if you want to hear more about this, then you'll come back. If you don't, then you won't. My blog is all for me, so there won't be details of day to day things I am doing with my children. You all know that I play with them, take them to the park, zoo, pool, science center, etc, just like all of you. You know I love them dearly, just like all of you do yours, so this is NOT that type of blog.


  1. I think you're way cool for talking about this, having a support system will help a ton. You're going to get your weight down, the food stuff is difficult, but it will come. And do you not want me to put your name on my sidebar??

  2. That was actually me, Megan, NOT Tom. I forgot to sign out of his google account!

  3. I think that this is a great blog. I think every woman needs a place she can vent and release frustrations. I have similar problems with weight espesially latelty and i will admit that I don't like to exercise, I still keep trying to try to convince myself to like it. Someday maybe.

  4. I agree with Lisa's comment - - this is a great way to vent frustrations! Anyway, your hard work will pay off. I have been really struggling this last year with exercising. I personally feel this is more important (regardless of weight) than the whole eating thing. I MISS THE YMCA!!! I mowed the lawn yesterday and it about killed me, I have had to rest it off the last two days. Sad. Well, I can blame it on the pregnancy, but only a little!

    Keep up with the hard work, and remember the exercising will keep you pretty healthy, no matter what your weight is!
